Can You Reverse A Cavity?

Cavities are one of the most common dental issues that bring people to a Canal Winchester dentist.

But if you’ve recently noticed one, you might be wondering if there’s anything you can do at home to reverse it and skip a dental appointment. 

Well, the short answer is no - cavities are irreversible in most cases. Keep reading this short blog post to learn more:

What Are Cavities and How Do They Form?

Cavities (also known as tooth decay) are permanently damaged areas that form on the surface of your teeth.

They’re caused by harmful bacteria present in the mouth. Bacteria feed on food particles that linger in the mouth after your meals. When doing this, they release acids that break down the tooth enamel, creating a permanent hole.

Cavities have the following stages: 

  • Demineralization
  • Enamel decay
  • Dentin decay
  • Pulp decay

They form slowly, over time, but once the hole exists, the cavity cannot be reversed.

The only reversible stage of a cavity is demineralization. Here, you may notice some white spots forming on the surface of the tooth. This is a sign of a cavity forming, but the bacteria acids haven’t broken down the enamel yet.

How Is Demineralization Reversed?

A cavity in its beginning stages can be reversed through good oral hygiene and professional fluoride treatments at the dentist’s office.

These methods can help strengthen the tooth and remove harmful bacteria from the mouth. If you notice these white spots on your teeth, be sure to reach out to a dentist as soon as possible.

How Are Cavities Treated? 

Tooth enamel doesn’t grow back, so the only way to treat a cavity is to see a dentist. First, they will remove all the decayed tissue from the tooth and ensure it’s clean and free of bacteria.

Then, they will use a dental filling to reconstruct the tooth and replace the lost enamel. If a cavity is large, patients may need a dental crown to restore the tooth. 

Can You Prevent Cavities?

Tooth decay can be prevented through:

  • Good oral hygiene habits (brushing teeth after every meal, flossing daily)
  • Using toothpaste with fluoride
  • Drinking tap water
  • Reducing snacking, especially sugary treats
  • Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables to increase saliva production
  • Chewing sugar-free gum after meals

Apart from these at-home measures, you can improve your efforts to prevent cavities by seeing the dentist every six months for routine check-ups and professional cleaning.

This way, you can have a better chance of spotting cavities in the demineralization stages and keep your oral health in check.

How Breeze Dental Can Help

Have you noticed a cavity forming? See Dr. Julia Hill for a short consultation to access the right treatment and restore your oral health.

Request a visit to Breeze Dental online, or call us at 380-228-2770 to find out more about how we can help.

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